Finished wood is sealed then finished with a protective coating that may be clear or opaque.
This process is for all finished wood furniture or parts of furniture that is constructed of wood, i.e., wood arms on chairs, wood legs on sofas, and cabinetry.
It is important to follow these steps when cleaning finished wood products to ensure the correct care is taken.
1. Document all visible preexisting damage
When inspecting the degree of damage, consider the furniture's relationship to the heat line.
Heat line: the sign of temperature differentials within the affected area.
2. Precondition all surfaces
Using a lamb's wool duster, then vacuum with brush attachment precondition all surfaces inside and out.
3. Wet clean/deodorize
As a precaution, all finished surfaces should be tested to avoid damage during restoration.
Test a small area that is not visible (underneath the table), wait until it dries to ensure that there is no change in the finish. Use the appropriate method below for this testing.
- Least aggressive: soft towel (terry or microfiber), water-based cleaning agent and general odor counteractant. If this cleaning compound yields positive results, use this approach on the remainder of the wood pieces.
- More aggressive: use the same cleaning solution, but switch from soft towel to fine grade steel wool (0000 is the least aggressive grade).
- If the steel wool and water-based cleaner is unsuccessful, use a mild alkaline cleaner and clean the furniture again.
- If all else fails, as a last option, use a wood restoring cream. Use the cream first with the towel, and if that doesn't work, move to the fine grade steel wool. Once complete, rinse everything with water-based cleaner. DO NOT LEAVE CREAM ON FINISHED WOOD FOR EXTENDED PERIODS.
- Note: Wood cream restorer and fine-grade steel wool can also be used where white discoloration due to heat and moisture absorption into the wax or wood finish appears.
4. Polish the surface
Polish with furniture polish to restore the luster.
Note: Do not stack wood furniture immediately following cleaning with a wood restoring gel, cream or compound as this may cause damage or discoloration to the wood finish.