Fill Out a Water Mitigation Scope Sheet
Follow this process in order to fill out a water mitigation scope sheet after work has been completed.
Step 1: Grab your company's scope sheet
his is where we will give the information for the estimator on the demo and equipment used to bill the job.
Step 2: Apply labor hours
You will want to add the labor hours applied to the job. This includes hours decontaminating equipment after the job.
*Make a note of any labor hours that took place after normal business hours as these are billed at a different rate.
Step 3: Add any mitigation performed
This includes:
- SF of floor protection used
- SF of water extracted
- SF of antimicrobial spray used
Step 4: Add any demolition performed
- LF of baseboards removed
- SF of flooring removed (laminate, wood, tile, carpet, etc.)
- SF of underlayment removed (plastic, carpet pad, etc.)
- Sf of drywall removed
- # of holes drilled in the drywall or toe kick
- LF of toe kick removed
Step 5: Add any equipment used
Equipment used and for how many days:
- # of air movers and number of days
- #of dehumidifiers and how many day used (also size of the dehumidifier)
- Air scrubbers and how many days used
- # of air filters used
- Specialty drying equipment and number of days used (injectadry, wood floor drying mats, etc.)
- # of boxes for contents
- SF of plastic used
- # of containment polls
- # of containment zippers
- spider box
- extension cords
- # of rolls of tape used
Step 6: Add any PPE used
- # of respirators and type of respirators
- # of respirator filters used
- # of rubber gloves used
- # of Tyvek suits used
- # of trash bags used
- add any other types of PPE that were used on the job
Step 7: Include labor hours used for content manipulation
You will want to include the amount of labor hours used in each roof for content manipulation. How much time did you use to move items such as couches, chairs, tables, cleaning out under a sink, cleaning out under a pantry, etc.
Step 8: Upload or turn into the estimator
Upload or turn in paperwork to the estimator for the job so billing can be started.