This process outlines the proper techniques for hanging drywall on ceilings
- Click here for information on hanging drywall on the wall
1. Gather necessary materials
- Screwgun or drill
- Drywall countersink bit
- Drywall screws (1 1/4 for 1/2 drywall, 1 5/8 for 5/8 drywall)
- Drywall sheets
- Knife
- Drywall cut out tool
- Drywall T-Square
- Pencil
- Measuring Tape
- drywall foot lifter
2. Choose the appropriate type of drywall
Choosing the proper type of drywall for ceilings is important if insulation is going above it.
- Use a ceiling board if it is going to hold insulation, this is a more rigid board and will resist bowing with the weight of the insulation.
- Use standard drywall if nothing is going to sit above it.
3. Select required screws
Screws are usually used to install drywall
Coarse screws are used on wood studs

Fine Screws are used on metal studs

4. Measure the ceiling
- Measure the section of ceiling where the drywall will be applied
- Ceiling should be installed prior to walls in new construction
- Drywall sheets should be installed across joists or trusses, this hides any irregularities better.
- Be sure to stagger any joints
- This will prevent any cracks from spreading past one sheet should they occur.
- Measure sheet to end in the middle of a joist, truss or at a wall
- Mark out any outlets, boxes, vents

5. Check for backing
Before installing the sheet be sure to check for backing
- Make sure there is some in all corners and around all boxes suspended from the ceiling
- Make sure that no ceiling span is greater then 24" without backing
- Spans greater then 24" may result in sagging drywall
6. Cut the drywall
See the process titled How to Cut Drywall for more information
7. Cut out required boxes
Use the cut out tool to cut out any outlets, boxes, pipes...
- Cut out can be done by measuring and cutting out before lift the sheet onto the ceiling
- Fastest application uses the cut out tool and cuts the boxes on the ceiling while the drywall is pressed against it
- Plunge the router into the sheet then use the box as a guide to make the hole
- Cut using the outside of the box not the inside as your guide
8. Hang the drywall
- If possible use 2 people and a drywall lift or stands to assist in holding the sheet

- Screw every 6 inches on the joists or trusses