Tape and Mud Seams for Drywall

Tape and Mud Seams for Drywall
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Process Steps:
Gather required materials
Fill big gaps
Apply first coat
Apply tape
Apply second coat
Finish coat
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Applying drywall tape helps bond together adjacent sheets of drywall.
  • Doing this creates continuity and helps reduce any motion or cracking
Process Steps:
Gather required materials
1. Gather required materials
  • Quick set (20 or 30 minute quick set drywall filler like Synko Proset 30)
  • Drywall paper tape
  • Taping mud and finishing mud or all purpose mud
  • Drywall knives: 4, 6, and 10 inch

2. Fill big gaps
  • Fill big gaps in advance with a quickset drywall filler
  • Mix small amounts of the quickset and fill any gaps in the drywall up to 2.5 cm
3. Apply first coat
  • Apply a thick coat, of taping mud approximately 1/8 of an inch by 2 inches, along the seams on joints
  • Tape is used on joints where the drywall is beveled
4. Apply tape
  • Apply tape to the mud on the seam
  • Use a 6 inch knife and press the tape into the mud, most of the mud should squeeze out from under the tape and should be flush with the wall
  • A drywall tape applicator can be used if you have one
5. Apply second coat
  • A second coat of mud is applied once the 1st is dry
  • Approximately 6 inches across
  • Apply using a 6 inch putty knife, or a flat box if you have professional drywall tools
6. Finish coat
  • A third thin coat of mud is applied once the 2nd is dry
  • Approximately 10 or 12 inches across
  • Apply using a 10 or 12 inch putty knife, or a flat box if you have professional drywall tools
  • Make sure it is an even thin coat for easier sanding
7. Sand
Sand smooth this will even out the surface finish and prepare it for painting
  • See How to Sand Drywall for Painting
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