Understand Best Estimating Practices for Mold in Xactimate

Understand Best Estimating Practices for Mold in Xactimate
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Process Steps:
Understand Mold Coverage/Policy Limits
WTR VS HMR line items
Mold Protocol to determine scope of work
Understand IICRC recommendations for Mold
Understand Mold Coverage/Policy Limits
Separate Water Mitigation from Mold
Prepare to create the Estimate
Line item examples for Mold Remediation
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Process Steps:
Understand Mold Coverage/Policy Limits
1. Understand Mold Coverage/Policy Limits
2. WTR VS HMR line items
3. Mold Protocol to determine scope of work
4. Understand IICRC recommendations for Mold
5. Understand Mold Coverage/Policy Limits
6. Separate Water Mitigation from Mold
7. Prepare to create the Estimate
8. Line item examples for Mold Remediation
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