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•13 January, 2023
Why Investing in Customer Experience Can Catapult Your Restoration Business to the Top
When a customer is looking for restoration services, there’s a high likelihood that they aren’t in a good mood. Chances are they just lost their home, personal belongings, and will likely be displaced for months on end. Restoration businesses often overlook this, and fail to recognize that their customers need to be understood and listened to before jumping into the project details and potentially worst of all, payment.
This is where customer experience comes in. For far too long, the restorati

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Why Investing in Customer Experience Can Catapult Your Restoration Business to the Top
When a customer is looking for restoration services, there’s a high likelihood that they aren’t in a good mood. Chances are they just lost their home, personal belongings, and will likely be displaced for months on end. Restoration businesses often overlook this, and fail to recognize that their customers need to be understood and listened to before jumping into the project details and potentially worst of all, payment.
This is where customer experience comes in. For far too long, the restorati

What the Restoration Industry Can Learn About Communication From a Hostage Negotiator
Why is communication so important? During our analysis of 1,000 bad online reviews in the restoration industry, we discovered that poor communication was the #1 reason why customers left businesses a 1-star review, and was mentioned in almost 40% of all complaints.
In this episode of The Five Star Restorer Webinar Series, former hostage negotiator and now owner of Conflict-Solutions, Gary McDougall, touched on how the right words, said at the right time, and in the right way, can be the differe

Employee Retention Strategies in the Restoration Industry
Employee retention is one of the most difficult challenges facing the restoration industry. Businesses with high employee turnover rates bleed money, and distract dedicated employees from being able to complete work on time and on budget. In addition, it becomes almost impossible to develop a strong, cohesive team culture when employees are coming in and out the door, which means effective teamwork is much harder and company morale is likely to be low.
It’s time to stop letting poor employee re

A Great Restoration Job with Bad Customer Service is A Bad Restoration Job
It's impossible to understate the importance of customer service - it plays the biggest role in how a customer views the work your business has conducted. As Phil Rosebrook of Business Mentors says, “Over 80% of how a customer determines whether a restoration contractor did a good job or not is based on their relationship with the people performing the work, and not the actual work”. That may be a punch to the gut for a lot of business owners, but if you think about it, it makes sense: you can

Your Ability to Handle Pricing Conflicts Can Make or Break You
How you handle pricing disputes with customers will define your business. Think about it: If things blow up with a customer who thinks you’re gauging them, it has the potential to create a ripple effect online and in their network that could sabotage future business.
Being an all-star in handling disputes and conflict between your team and your customers is like a badge of honor. Happy customers will leave positive reviews, and frustrated customers will have their problems resolved before they

The Most Common Problems in the Restoration Industry (From the Perspective of Your Customers)
If you had to guess, what do you think would be the most common reasons a restoration project fails? Delays? Bad customer service? A final invoice that comes in too steep? These are common answers from a restorer’s perspective, but a customer might have a very different opinion on the same subject.
If you want to be a 5-star restoration company, it starts with knowing what’s important to your customers. In our analysis of over 1,000 bad online reviews of restoration companies in the United Stat