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13 January, 2023

A Great Restoration Job with Bad Customer Service is A Bad Restoration Job

It's impossible to understate the importance of customer service -  it plays the biggest role in how a customer views the work your business has conducted. As Phil Rosebrook of Business Mentors says, “Over 80% of how a customer determines whether a restoration contractor did a good job or not is based on their relationship with the people performing the work, and not the actual work”. That may be a punch to the gut for a lot of business owners, but if you think about it, it makes sense: you can
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A Great Restoration Job with Bad Customer Service is A Bad Restoration Job

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A Great Restoration Job with Bad Customer Service is A Bad Restoration Job
Five Star Restorer
A Great Restoration Job with Bad Customer Service is A Bad Restoration Job
It's impossible to understate the importance of customer service -  it plays the biggest role in how a customer views the work your business has conducted. As Phil Rosebrook of Business Mentors says, “Over 80% of how a customer determines whether a restoration contractor did a good job or not is based on their relationship with the people performing the work, and not the actual work”. That may be a punch to the gut for a lot of business owners, but if you think about it, it makes sense: you can
Your Ability to Handle Pricing Conflicts Can Make or Break You
Five Star Restorer
Your Ability to Handle Pricing Conflicts Can Make or Break You
How you handle pricing disputes with customers will define your business. Think about it: If things blow up with a customer who thinks you’re gauging them, it has the potential to create a ripple effect online and in their network that could sabotage future business. Being an all-star in handling disputes and conflict between your team and your customers is like a badge of honor. Happy customers will leave positive reviews, and frustrated customers will have their problems resolved before they
Product Update: New Languages, User Tags, and Privacy Options
Product Update
Product Update: New Languages, User Tags, and Privacy Options
Our customers have told us over and over - the easier they can communicate with their colleagues, the more often work is done the right way. Along that note, the product team here at KnowHow has been hard at work creating new ways for teams to share information - and the right information - with each other. Here are three new features we launched this month that will continue to change the way work gets done in the restoration industry. New Language Translation Options Restoration teams come
The Most Common Problems in the Restoration Industry (From the Perspective of Your Customers)
Five Star Restorer
The Most Common Problems in the Restoration Industry (From the Perspective of Your Customers)
If you had to guess, what do you think would be the most common reasons a restoration project fails? Delays? Bad customer service? A final invoice that comes in too steep? These are common answers from a restorer’s perspective, but a customer might have a very different opinion on the same subject. If you want to be a 5-star restoration company, it starts with knowing what’s important to your customers. In our analysis of over 1,000 bad online reviews of restoration companies in the United Stat
3 Common Reasons for Project Delays & How to Mitigate Them
Five Star Restorer
3 Common Reasons for Project Delays & How to Mitigate Them
Project delays are common in every industry, but the impact they can have on the customer experience in the restoration industry varies. We wanted to better understand how many 1-star reviews online were due to delays, and we were surprised to find that nearly 17% of all 1-Star reviews left for companies on Google were due to frustrations over project delays; a significant portion of the 1000 reviews we analyzed. 3 Common Reasons for Restoration Project Delays To help restoration companies
3 Ways Your Contractors Can Kill a Potential 5-Star Review
Five Star Restorer
3 Ways Your Contractors Can Kill a Potential 5-Star Review
Most restoration companies, if they’ve been in business long enough, have been subject to a 1-Star, bad customer review. No company can hide from scorned customers leaving reviews online when they feel they haven’t received the service they felt they deserved. We analyzed over 1,000 bad reviews left on Google for restoration companies across North America, and the lessons we uncovered prove that any one factor can nuke an otherwise good experience, but also that almost every issue is solvable.