Working together, people can build incredible things, unlock new value, and build better lives for themselves and those around them.Yet, a lack of communication between team members, or unclear expectations keeps most teams from having the impact they should, and accomplishing what they set out to achieve.This leads to frustration and anxiety among managers, confusion among employees, poor experiences for customers, and tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars lost.
We built a product that would put money (and lots of it) back in the hands of managers and owners. A software tool that would eliminate confusion, bolster employee productivity, and equip team members with everything they needed to excel at their work.And we did this by creating a product focused on two core philosophies:
We chatted with over a hundred managers while we were building KnowHow, and they told us employee productivity increases when they have a clear roadmap ahead of them.
So we created KnowHow to be just that: a simple hub for all of a company’s processes. Within minutes, managers can create detailed step-by-step processes on how to accomplish any task. Then, whether on their phone or desktop, employees can access these processes and follow them, ensuring the job gets done right every time.
We know what’s possible when a team is aligned and has a clear path forward: they achieve greater impact, make more money, and go home feeling more fulfilled and energized than when they arrived. We’re on a mission to make this the rule, not the exception, for companies in every industry.